Investor: EVNPTC1.
Ba Che – Thanh Hoa 220 kV substation was put into operation in 1989 with the former Soviet Union’s transformers, cabinets, relays, air circuit breakers. Since then, this substation has always been upgraded and renovated.
List of works:
– Replace the old RTU system with the new system, using the GE D400 gateway and the HMI Zenon Energy Edition software.
– GE’s Multilin™ D400 is a substation-hardened gateway that collects metering, status, event, and fault report data from serial or LAN based Intelligent substation devices.
– The D400 connect with relay protection by IEC61850 protocol.
– The D400 connect with meter by Modbus RTU protocol.
– Local HMI design software connect with D400 by IEC60870-5-104 protocol.
– From D400 sends all signals to North Region Load Dispath Centre by IEC60870-5-101 protocol.
Substation: 220kV Ba Che – Thanh Hoa.